Electromagnetic therapy has been shown to be very effective at treating some health conditions and improving wellness. But you may have many questions about this therapy before giving it a try. Here you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about this practice.
What is electromagnetic therapy?
Electromagnetic therapy is a type of alternative medicine that uses electromagnetic energy to treat health conditions. This is often done using magnets but there are also more complicated devices designed to provide pulses of electromagnetic energy.
Your body actually creates its own electromagnetic energy and using electromagnetic therapy, you can experience healing and wellness. This is a gentle method that can be an enjoyable experience.
Is electromagnetic therapy safe?
Therapy using magnets is not invasive and is very safe. The purpose of this is really to improve your body’s natural ability to heal itself. In most cases, electromagnetic therapy will only help, though there are a few exceptions listed later.
What are the benefits of electromagnetic therapy?
Electromagnetic therapy has many health benefits. Most obviously, it helps to improve circulation which aids healing. It can help to speed up the recover and healing time from a broken bone or specific injury as well as reduce inflammation throughout the entire body.
This therapy has also been used to successfully treat chronic diseases as well as depression. It can also provide pain relief, reduce fatigue, and improve the health of your skin.
Is there anyone who shouldn’t use electromagnetic therapy?
There are some people for whom this therapy isn’t recommended. For example, if you have a pacemaker or an internal defibrillator, you shouldn’t use electromagnetic therapy as it can interfere with the equipment.
This is also not recommended for women who are pregnant or for people who are experiencing tuberculosis, malignant cancers, or bleeding disorders. In these cases you don’t want to stimulate circulation as it can exacerbate the problem.
Where can I go to get electromagnetic therapy?
While some physicians know about this therapy and use it, you’re not likely to find that your average doctor provides this service. You’ll need to do your homework and look for a provider who offers this service.
You may also look to practitioners of other alternative therapies such as acupuncture and Reiki and discover someone who practices electromagnetic therapy as well. In any case, you want to choose someone who is well educated and licensed in your area to practice.