Without a doubt, most essential oils work well individually. However, you can often get more benefits from creating a blend of essential oils that will work together for more powerful effects. Here are some of the best essential oil blends for improving your health . . . naturally!
Energizing Blend. If you need a pick me up to get through a tired morning or the afternoon doldrums, this is a great blend to add to your diffuser. Mix two drops of peppermint oil with two drops of wild orange. This blend is perfect for helping you to feel more energetic.
Immune Booster Blend. When cold and flu season hit, you want to use a blend of oils that can help fight infections and keep your immune system strong. Mixing 40 drops of clove oil, 35 drops of lemon oil, 10 drops of rosemary oil, 15 drops of eucalyptus oil, with 20 drops of cinnamon oil will give you a powerful blend.
Store this in a dark amber glass bottle and keep it on hand. You can diffuse this to keep the air clean, you can also dilute it and apply it to your skin through massage. Additionally you can add it to water and make a sanitizing household cleaning spray.
“Belly” Blend. When you’re having trouble with indigestion or a stomach ache you can blend some of the best soothing oils together. Mix a drop of peppermint oil, a drop of chamomile oil, a drop of clove oil, and a two drops of rosemary oil with 5 milliliters of olive oil or coconut oil.
Keep this solution stored in a dark amber glass bottle so that it’s ready when you need it. You can apply a few drops to your navel area for relief. You can also diffuse it to help relieve nausea.
Pain Relief Blend. Often people suffer from joint pain and muscle pain and an essential oil blend can provide relief. Mix 15 crops of spruce oil, 6 drops of blue tansy oil, 2 drops of balsam fir oil, and 7 drops of frankincense and 7 drops of olive oil to create the perfect pain relief blend.